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Goat Island Walking Trail

Record #: ESK0059
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2019
Last Full Update: 04 Dec 2015


Located In Eskasoni
Where To Find Us
25 Goat Island Trail
Eskasoni, NS
Areas Served Cape Breton Regional Municipality

Description & Services

Information Explore Eskasoni 
Destination Goat Island is part of Eskasoni First 
Nation and has a partnership with Eskasoni Cultural 
Journeys. The Island includes a groomed walking 
trail, picnic areas and various cultural sites. 
The Goat Island Experience 
Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the beautiful trails of Goat 
Island and be sure to watch for bald eagles that nest nearby 
and make this area their home. Along the Goat Island Trail 
you will see the unspoiled natural beauty of the Bras d’Or 
Lakes, Canada’s Inland Sea. Meet interpretive guides who 
will share Mi’kmaq history and culture through stories, 
music and various demonstrations. Interpreters will 
demonstrate their knowledge of medicinal plants, herbs, 
how to construct a wigwam and the history of Eskasoni 
and Goat Island. 
The Story of Goat Island 
Goat Island is located within the First Nations community of 
Eskasoni and was originally called Indian Island. Goat Island 
is so named because, during centralization, goats were 
placed in the community for farming purposes. After they 
began to eat everything in the community, the goats were 
taken and placed on the island. 
Come and Visit Goat Island! 
For more information about guided tours contact: 
Eskasoni Cultural Journeys 
Sandra MacDonald, Tour Coordinator 
Toll Free: 1-855-376-2422 
Local: 1-902-322-2279 
Fax: 1-902-270-3721 