Szeto Fitness Studio

Record #: CBM0226
Last Modified: 07 Apr 2017
Last Full Update: 07 Apr 2017


Public Bulletin

Visit our website for more information on prices and services!


Located In Sydney
Where To Find Us
363 Charlotte Sq
Sydney, NS
Areas Served Cape Breton Regional Municipality


Social Media Facebook
Phone 902.537.1053

Description & Services


At SFS you will have a Certified Personal Trainer or Strength and Conditioning Specialist work with you to create a workout program specifically tailored to your individual needs. Our exclusive facility is dedicated to one-on-one and small group training which makes the experience truly unique. With a personal trainer or strength coach, you will receive intensive on-going instruction and encouragement during your session.

Our trainers and coaches are all Internationally certified and have the knowledge and skills to improvise your workouts and take your fitness to whole new levels. We follow a systematic approach to program design that produces athletic performance enhancement, positive body composition changes, overall wellness, improved posture and injury reduction.

Our entire clientele is trained with similar techniques but individualized with progressions or regressions for personal goal and ability.

Our programs usually include a combination exercise components such as safe weight training for strength/power, joint/muscle mobility drills, muscle activation techniques, conditioning work, and functional training. Athlete or non-athlete, our goal is to make you feel like one, look like one, and perform like one!


Consultations are free of charge, and are only confirmed by phone. If you are unable to get through on phone, please e-mail us and a trainer will contact you.

Special Information

Tags Active Living ; Athletics ; Cape Breton Connect ; Fitness ; Fitness Centres ; Personal Development ; Recreation Categories